Monday, April 8, 2013

Hello Elder Cluff, Challenge Produce ONE convert family, Conference listen with FAITH 4/1/13

Hey guys how is it going. Ya Elder Weatherford is officially back in Arizona. He just had some stuff to take care of that was making his mission hard for him. Its ok. I am now serving with Elder Cluff who is 6"5 as well. He is from Manti, Utah. There was an Emergency Transfers day it was freaking funny my comp went home, there was a missionary who ran away and like 14 people who went to other places. Elder Cluff is basically Chris Conelly we have had a lot of fun already I am looking forward to probably a transfer and a half with him! He is on his second transfer so I am finishing his training. But not really. We have had a good week teaching and teaching new people it was sweet we are trying to help a guy get sober and get into the church Fred. Also Some 19 year old girl and a 45 year old lady really wanna get baptized that we taught last week. The 45 year old lady has been through 2 divorces and through a lot of trials had a lot of lows but she asked about Joseph Smith, and she knew a Mormon family whom she thought the world of. We taught the restoration and she was crying. She said well if it took 45 years and a whole bunch of crap to go through for me to hear this then she believed it will be ok. We are stoked for conference we are gonna get everyone to watch that stuff. Hopefully it is very non-member friendly. I will enjoy conference a lot. We don't have too much planned today just this email. Shopping. Dodge ball at the church. Elder Cluff plays basketball. I think he is good he is my first comp to be good at basketball. That will be cool. I am so lucky, the area I am in my companion, the people we help. I love the savior we had a sweet Easter just the part member family came to church but Michae'la Smith surprisingly came to church cause she moved. She is the one who lived in a group home and has some issues. But I freaking love her it was so awesome to see her. I think she has a calling in the nursery. Man maybe next week i will email her address and have someone write her. I am really busy. that was cool. Then we went to our dinner at a member of the temple presidencies. It was so good. There was like a sweet orange topped home-made cheesecake stuff. Ham. Baked Potatoes scooped out with mashed potatoes in it. Rolls. real HAM! it was awesome. I am getting obese. Elder Mumford calls me fat, i am not fat but just bigger then i was. I have probably gained 15 pounds i am like 180. It is pimp. I call it blessings. (ya i don't do that) but we have been biking a lot.I run sometimes. We are getting exercise today maybe we can change that! Elder Cluff wants to start playing basketball in the mornings. that will help. More vitamins would be sweet. Man everyone seems to be doing good. Ha my emails totally aren't as spiritual as my cousin's. I just boss it up or something. No I am learning a lot. Hopefully changing. I won't be perfect when I get back. I just hope that I am better. President Clements in his letter he was talking about missionaries who are not open to either their companion's or their Leader's advice. We need to acknowledge our weaknesses before we overcome them or we would just all suck and never get better. I love our prophets. They are inspired men. Not perfect but no one is. Everyone watch General Conference. And dont just take notes or stay awake cause someone else wants you too. But take 1 thing out of what they say because they are literal witnesses of your savior and there is advice for us that we just have to pay attention too! We have a prophet today. Just like Peter, just like Moses. If you have a perfect relationship with the savior then don't listen to them. That is why it is important. Listening without faith does nothing I believe. That is why a lot of times I never did listen. And don't. I love all you! change someones life today. I want my family to produce 1 convert by the time I come home. sounds good. no pressure c you in 2

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