Monday, April 8, 2013

-30 degrees brrrrrrr. . . . Summer Pics 1/21/13

Summer sent me some pictures of me. That really made my day!:) Thanks. IT is getting cold it is like -9 degrees right now. And we got a text that said to be safe cause it is gonna be like -30 /40 degrees wind chill. IT looks like its gonna get pretty cold. It has been a warm January so we have been lucky but our luck seems to be over. Hey dad we went to a fireside last night by Keith Hamilton he was like one of the first black bishops. He knows Thurl Bailey he joined the church at NC state at like 21 years of age then went on a mission one year later. Thurl wrote the forward to his book and he said Keith Hamilton was the first Mormon i knew Which explains why i did not join the church until 15 years later. It was a really good fireside. Way better than I expected. Michae'la Smith got baptized this last Saturday we are actually going to her house right after this. We need to do a lot of finding. does anyone have any advice?? No investigators came to church yesterday but a lot of recent converts did. things are doing well this transfer has been fast! i will hopefully write a lot of letters today I have not been very good at that. I am doing well though. HAppy MLK day. I will find some black people to teach in celebration i guess. Seasons birthday is coming up soon. Crazy. I am gonna be 21 soon. That is really dumb. Hey Elder Ruesch homecoming is the 2nd Sunday of February. he is awesome i will give you more details next Wednesday he is basically home its crazy i just asked him about it. Well we taught a bunch of crazy people last week and it was kind of nuts. We need some better people. Um I love you all! until next week. Luke 22:37 Simon when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren! Keep it up my family is awesome.

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