General Conference-
Man so many have asked me what my favorite talk was, and I will tell ya! Elder Dube's Talk. I love how everyone supported the Prophets statement that the missionaries and the members must work together. He was really bold in that talk. He came to our mission with Elder Holland. That was a sweet talk. There were some interesting one's. Like the EXCLAMATION POINT talk that was pretty interesting. Idk why there are catch phrases and stuff, all in all it was a pretty good Conferences. Interesting topics, depression, council of the disposition of the tithes, and stuff like that. The best part was the theme about members and missionaries working together. I like how the night after the conference the member supposed to come out with us joint teaching. A once every 3 month commitment bails on us. So my invitation to you all is this. Do the things that you felt inspired to do. Watching General Conference alone won't change your life. Do something about it. Then the blessings of the Lord will come to you. Be ye not hearers of the word only but doers also! Ya mean. AMEN.
So I made the traditional family German apple pancakes. They looked kinda weird then I set 'em out and they looked weirder and shriveled. Sad. I just needed another pan mostly. But I made corn bread and apple pie. The Sisters brought taco stuff. It was cool. Although we weren't able to get anyone to come to Conference. That was lame. We did find 2 unconventional families last week. Mainly Sandra and daughter combo. Who we see again today. Also we were knocking this street and a lady let us right in. We taught her and her Grandson the Restoration real quick cause her sleepy 40 year old son was leaving. We are goingback over today. It is always good to find new people.
Ha so I got hit by a CAR THIS WEEK! On my bike. It wasn't bad at all but I was riding through on a green on the cross walk and he was looking to the left for an opening. I saw him go for it. and He saw me and braked pretty hard, I braked too. He barely hit me. Just made me put my foot down. I was fine. But I couldn't remember the rules, we have to call President or the vehicle coordinator for every accident. And Sister Clements. I tried Sister Clements, she didn't answer. I just got the guys info. He felt way bad. He was nice. My bike just got like a scratch. No damage really. So that was exciting. Then right after that we taught the new investigator Grandma lady the Restoration . So that was cool. Priesthood session online. Did you guys still go to churches? I just figured out the Woman did something good for General Conference... haha.
Well tomorrow I go to Bloomington for Leadership Conference. I am excited cause a ton of my friends are Leaders. Some people in the Nsp District, Elder Shreestha is a Zone Leader. Elder Smith is a DL. Elder Ware is a DL. he was just barely transferred out of the District. Our whole Zone got changed. It is crazy. Only us and Elk River saw no changes. Out of 12 teams! Crazy. St. Cloud Zone is kind of stinkin. We have a new Zone Leader and Elder Bollinger. They are like demanding things left and right. It is interesting. They should just carry IMO. Our District is in a slump too. It is kind of hard out here. I don't know what to do. Any advice? So our p-day is shot this will be short. We have 3 appointments during p-day hours. I am doing well. I love from hearing about you all. Good Night, and good luck!
Didn't think I knew that did ya Dad. I watch documentaries!
love ya,
Elder Hall
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